What is total in sports betting Parimatch is not quite clearly represented by the raters who are just beginning their careers. The label adopted among batters is “Total” or “T.” It determines the total number of pucks or goals that have been scored throughout the game. Important for the user is the total number of all abandoned pucks, goals scored, points. It does not affect which team wins. If you have correctly decided with the overall score, you get a well-deserved prize!


A total can have a whole or fractional value. Most often in bookmakers designations under, U, TM are used for the concept of total less, and over, O, TB – total more. “iTotal” or “iT” is used to indicate the total number of points, pucks, games per participant of the match (it can be an individual athlete or a separate team). If you understand what is a total in sports betting, then it will be easy to win an enticing prize!

Parimatch betting on total: diversity and high odds

Parimatch betting on total offers on different lines even for the same event. Examples of this diversity include:

  • In basketball, the points received, played at half-time,;
  • In football – corners, goals scored, free kicks;
  • In tennis – received points, played games;
  • In hockey – bullets, offside position, abandoned pucks!

Asian totals are of interest to batters. There are two kinds of them – whole and fractional. They have certain advantages and disadvantages. The main drawback is the lower coefficient. For beginners, some of the difficulties involve calculations. The benefits more than cover the disadvantages. There is no need to guess the winner, if the total number of goals coincided – you are the winner! The fractional allows you to be reinsured, covering two outcomes at once, which expands the maneuver zone.

The right strategy in BC Parimatch will present prizes online

Based on the advice of experienced batters, you can make your own strategy, and steadily following it, get a well-deserved reward. Going to do in Parimatch bets on total online, carefully analyze the level of team training. Pay attention to the shape of the players in the last 3-5 matches, but ideally you need to monitor the games for several seasons. This will allow you to more accurately assess the potential of performance and draw the right conclusions! The venue of the tournament has a noticeable impact on the outcome of the game. Home matches are more often than not more effective than away matches. When choosing a bet, calculate not the average number of goals scored, but the number of passes. Situational analysis will help to focus on TM and TB. After learning the specifics of the game in similar situations, you will be able to choose the most correct strategy. Having understood what totals in sports betting, enjoy betting, trying to make informed decisions. Do not be guided by emotions, and rely on common sense and believe in luck.